Thursday, 7 March 2013

A Little Bit Of Abstract

 Abstract art is a huge part of my art coursework at the moment. So here is a little peek as to what myself (& my fellow art friends) are up to.

This is SM's work. Yes, he does end up looking like the hulk after every lesson...

I started a similar piece with purple chalk, only to discover purple is a terrible decision - our pack only has one shade of purple, I'm thinking about using red or blue for my next piece.

Abstract art can be a tad strange at times... but if you enjoy it, here are a few picks from Pinterest I find interesting.

I never thought I would get really interested by abstract art, but Pinterest is so beautiful, it's hard not to love it!


  1. I really like the last one but I know what you mean about abstract art being difficult to appreciate sometimes!

    Louisa's Notebook

  2. I love these!! I'm a big fan of abstract art and would love to own some original Rothko or Rauschenberg. :) xx

    1. That would be amazing, I would love to just own a whole art gallery in fact ahaxx

  3. I enjoy abstract art quite a lot, I would love to see some of yours after you finish them. :)

  4. Omg, I love it! And I love your blog. You're amazing!
    I follow your blog :)

  5. Wow ❤i Love the Last One! So Creative ! Love art

  6. I find abstract art really odd - some pieces I'm like "I don't get it", whereas others I find absolutely fascinating! I think its far more about what appeals to you colour-wise than other art forms, thats what I find at least!
    Vic @ Frankly Vic

  7. I LOVE abstract art to bits! and I noticed you have only recently created this blog! Welcome to the blogging community! I'm also quite new :')

  8. abstract art is definitely a fave :D

  9. Freakin' awesome! Those look great!

    Monica Harmony's Blog

  10. L'art abstrait est ce que je préfère, chacun peut y voir ce qu'il veut et surtout, à chaque fois que je contemple une oeuvre de ce genre, je me demande ce qui se passait dans l'esprit de l'artiste. C'est très aérien et fluide, bref j'adore ça!

  11. These are amazing!!x

  12. You are very talented :)
    Your pictures and illustrations are perfect


    Coline ♡
